Personal BestsEvent | Result | Wind | Venue | Date |
60m ind. | 7.81 | | Lee Valley Athletics Centre, London (GBR) | 08.02.2020 | 100m | 12.22 | +0.2 | Cardiff Athletic Stadium, Cardiff (GBR) | 07.05.2022 | 200m | 23.78 | +0.5 | Aztrack Sports Deck, San Diego, CA (USA) | 25.03.2023 | 200m ind. | 23.86 | | Convention Center, Albuquerque, NM (USA) | 07.02.2025 | 300m ind. | 37.68 | | The Podium, Spokane, WA (USA) | 12.01.2024 | 400m | 51.04 | | Leppävaaran Stadion, Espoo (FIN) | 14.07.2023 | 400m ind. | 51.74 | | Randal Tyson Indoor Center, Fayetteville, AR (USA) | 27.01.2024 | 600y ind. | 1:18.55 | | Sports Performance Center, Lubbock, TX (USA) | 24.01.2025 | 4x100m | 46.49 | | Cardiff Athletic Stadium, Cardiff (GBR) | 07.05.2022 | 4x400m | 3:23.33 | | Nemzeti Atlétikai Központ, Budapest (HUN) | 26.08.2023 | 4x400m ind. | 3:27.62 | | The Track at New Balance, Boston, MA (USA) | 09.03.2024 | 4x400m | 3:11.06 | | Nemzeti Atlétikai Központ, Budapest (HUN) | 19.08.2023 |
| Season's BestsEvent | Result | Venue | Date | T-L |
200m ind. | 23.86 | Convention Center, Albuquerque, NM (USA) | 07.02.2025 | | 400m ind. | 52.24 | Convention Center, Albuquerque, NM (USA) | 08.02.2025 | | 600y ind. | 1:18.55 | Sports Performance Center, Lubbock, TX (USA) | 24.01.2025 | | 4x400m ind. | 3:30.06 | Clemson Indoor Track & Field Complex, Clemson, SC (USA) | 15.02.2025 | |
World RankingsEvent | Place | Score |
Women's 400m | 68. | 1181 | Women's Overall Ranking | 1105. | 1181 |
| Year | Result | Wind | Venue | Date |
2019 | 12.71 | +1.5 | Chelmsford (GBR) | 11.05.2019 | 2020 | 12.58 | +0.6 | Longford Stadium Trafford, Manchester (GBR) | 06.09.2020 | 2022 | 12.22 | +0.2 | Cardiff Athletic Stadium, Cardiff (GBR) | 07.05.2022 |
Year | Result | Wind | Venue | Date |
2020 | 25.62 | +0.4 | Dagenham Arena, London (GBR) | 12.09.2020 | 2021 | 24.16 | +0.3 | Barnet Copthall Stadium Hendon, London (GBR) | 28.08.2021 | 2022 | 23.86 | +0.8 | Stratford Community Track, London (GBR) | 14.08.2022 | 2023 | 23.78 | +0.5 | Aztrack Sports Deck, San Diego, CA (USA) | 25.03.2023 |
Year | Result | Venue | Date |
2021 | 53.06 | Kadrioru staadion, Tallinn (EST) | 16.07.2021 | 2022 | 51.50 | Pascual Guerrero Stadium, Cali (COL) | 04.08.2022 | 2023 | 51.04 | Leppävaaran Stadion, Espoo (FIN) | 14.07.2023 | 2024 | 51.18 | Olympic Stadium, London (GBR) | 20.07.2024 |
Year | Result | Venue | Date |
2021 | 46.91 | Barnet Copthall Stadium Hendon, London (GBR) | 28.08.2021 | 2022 | 46.49 | Cardiff Athletic Stadium, Cardiff (GBR) | 07.05.2022 |
Year | Result | Venue | Date |
2022 | 3:31.86 | Pascual Guerrero Stadium, Cali (COL) | 06.08.2022 | 2023 | 3:23.33 | Nemzeti Atlétikai Központ, Budapest (HUN) | 26.08.2023 | 2024 | 3:24.72 | Stade de France, Paris (FRA) | 09.08.2024 |